We’re making texting magical again. QKSMS is the most beautiful messaging experience you’ve ever used. Replace your stock messaging app and fall in love with texting all over again. QKSMS is also c...
OsmAnd is an offline world map application based on OpenStreetMap (OSM), which allows you to navigate taking into account the preferred roads and vehicle dimensions. Plan routes based on inclines and...
Any Soft Keyboard is an open-source, on-screen keyboard with multiple languages support with emphasis on privacy. This is one of the most customizable keyboards available. To activate: Launch 'Any...
View and modify documents created using LibreOffice or OpenOffice on the go using the Document Reader & Document Editor! 📄🚶 The file reader & document editor allows you to open files like ODF (O...
Play quick two over matches against your friends or players around the world in just a few minutes! Ready..Set..Start your own Cricket saga now! FREE Online 3D Cricket Game!
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